The other day while researching things for me to do to find clients and projects , I came across this article by Alyson Krueger in which she quotes Stephen Robert Morse of SkillBridge, who says, " If you are a consultant you spend 50 to 70 percent of your time hustling for work, and 25 percent of your time actually doing the work .” Now as a business consultant who worked for consulting firms in the past, billability was a hugely important metric. We filled our time sheets each week and the billability was a point of discussion during performance evaluation meetings. It was problematic, though, because many of us who actually did the projects were helpless if the partners were not bringing work (or brought projects that required you to work full time but you could not bill the hours since the project was sold at a lower price -- if you said no to such projects you billability was zero and you were considered not a team player but when the time came to evaluate your pe...
Tips from a freelancer consultant for the benefit of other gig economy and self-employed workers and contractors.