And if you are still reading, you are probably a smart person who has the knowledge and intelligence to enjoy fiction while continuing to use facts in your life for their useful purpose.
If you know Dan Brown (I like his books to read on the beach or on a long flight), you will know that he is a master of fiction writing. He uses real institutions (like NASA or the National Security Agency) and combines real and imaginary events to create a book that is very engaging.
That is exactly what happens in The Da Vinci Code. While I am no Catholic or even Christian, I do have enormous respect for Jesus Christ and The Pope, and as even a 4-year old will tell you, there is nothing real about a movie other than moving images and background sounds.
The Plot is very complicated and will give you great insights into Christianity and its many stories (the Holy Grail, Opus Dei, Templar Knights, Mary Magdalene, etc.). In summary, Professor Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) and Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou) try to track down several mysterious people who are all trying to hide many secrets. It is one story that will keep you glued to your seat till the end. Strongly recommended for anyone who enjoys mysteries.