The finall result: our news website is at the top simply on the basis of high-quality content. We have made this section as one place that has all the news. The stories are not written for lawyers of medical professionals (there are special websites for them), but for an average consumer who wants to make sense of the current news without getting a headache.
Another important point to note is that you cannot win by simply copying search results in your website or republishing press releases or using any other techniques. You actually have to process the vast amount of information and put it in a form that it makes sense to an average arthritis patient. And that requires hard work and creativity.
Similar model being tried with Social Security privatization
When President Bush decided to push his agenda for Social Security privatization sometime late last year and early this year, we knew that if and when he succeeds, life of every single American will change forever. Even non-Americans will be impacted since it will have a huge impact on the financial markets worldwide. Social Security privatization has a huge impact on retirement planning and personal finance. So we have launched a Social Security privatization news center that puts the whole debate in the context of its impact on personal finance and retirement planning.
What does it mean for you?
- Content wins. So it makes perfect sense to even hire a journalist to generate good content for your website, as our company has done.
- Many developments that have only news value initially also create a lot of content opportunities. Analyze market trends and see if you can provide a totally new perspective on what might appear to be just dull news.
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