During the month of November-December 2004, we worked on launching a complete section on Vioxx recall to help our readers find unadulterated and unbiased information on what their medical and legal options are. Since we are neither affiliated with a drug firm nor a law firm, our readers have responded positively and now the Vioxx recall news center, which has since converted to Vioxx/Celebrex/Bextra recall news center, is #1 (or on page one) in search results in most major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
We are very proud of our success because we got the timing right and we have been able to leverage the enormous spending by law firms on online advertising seeking Vioxx victims to join Vioxx class action lawsuits.
We learned a lot of things from our adventure in the world of Vioxx/Celebrex/Bextra. And we have decided to apply the same learnings to another area that has heated up since 2005 began: Social Security privatization. We launched a news center (in form of a blog, which is the ideal format for such a topic that changes daily) on January 17th and within less than 36 hours, it appears on page two in both Google and Yahoo. We expect that this is remarkable performance in such a short period and hopefully the rank will rise as we build more content.
Secret to success
We are very proud of our success because we got the timing right and we have been able to leverage the enormous spending by law firms on online advertising seeking Vioxx victims to join Vioxx class action lawsuits.
We learned a lot of things from our adventure in the world of Vioxx/Celebrex/Bextra. And we have decided to apply the same learnings to another area that has heated up since 2005 began: Social Security privatization. We launched a news center (in form of a blog, which is the ideal format for such a topic that changes daily) on January 17th and within less than 36 hours, it appears on page two in both Google and Yahoo. We expect that this is remarkable performance in such a short period and hopefully the rank will rise as we build more content.
Secret to success
- Research, research, research the topic that is slowly gaining momentum. The buzz normally begins online first and then it moves on to television and radio.
- Pick a topic that has a high buzz factor but also has sustaining power. For example, while divorce of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston has a very high buzz factor, it is not going to last too long. Privatization of Social Security, if it happens, will fundamentally change how Americans live their lives not only now but for years/decades to come.
- Find out how much content exists on the topic. No matter how new a weight loss program is, there is just so little room for more weight loss content. Areas that do not have much content are prime targets.
- Build high quality, useful content that will make life better for your readers. Stay away from deceptive techniques or trying to cheat the system. What will make you rich is not when you mislead your visitors or readers but when you treat them with respect and provide them with what they are looking for. Then they come back, tell their friends about it, and the more of that happens means that more advertising revenue you will get.
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