Well, when I did not receive my $2,400 stimulus check payment in my bank, I went to check the status on the IRS website, and I was told that the Agency did not have my bank information. If you are one of those people, here is my situation and may be it is not as uncommon as it seems:
- I filed both 2018 and 2019 taxes using TurboTax. Because I am a self-employed contractor and pay estimated taxes as recommended by IRS, in some years, I actually owe money, and 2019 was one such year. However, because I had followed IRS guidelines on estimated taxes, I did not have a penalty; I just needed to make the payment when due.
- However, when IRS delayed the deadline to July 15, I simply called the IRS to cancel the payment scheduled through TurboTax. Does it mean that IRS also deleted my bank account info? Maybe.
- In addition, this year I received the 4883C letter to confirm my identity, which I did promptly, but I was also told that it may take 9 weeks or so for the return to be processed. Could this also be the reason why I did not receive the stimulus deposited to my account?