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Blog or website; what is best for AdSense

This is a question that has often been asked to us. In sharing our research so far we have essentially said that it is up to you to determine what works best for you. While blogs are easy to create and require no maintenance, websites can be a lot of work to create and maintain. While operating a full-fledged websites requires some degree of technical competence, a blog is as easy to use as an online email program.

Which one is better for Adsense? Blog or website

While individual results may vary, from our network of websites and blogs (about a dozen), we have found that the CTR is higher for websites than for blogs. Or in other words, you are to likely to make more money from websites than blogs.

What are the other benefits of websites?

  1. You have total control. You can do whatever you want with your design, layout, architecture, etc.
  2. You have a lot of flexibility in how you display ads, where, how many units, etc. With a blog, you have too many restrictions and you are stuck with one format.
  3. We are also hypothesizing that in the minds of the readers, blogs are perceived as personal diaries rather than full-fledged businesses (that carry good ads).

Related article: Business bloggers wanted