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Even content-rich websites need time to make money

If you have been reading our blog, particularly the piece on generating a steady stream of revenue from nano-publishing, you might be tempted to think that you can get rich overnight if all you could do is to write. We said it before and let us repeat that before you see any substantial income, you will need to put in months of work.

Here are a few facts to know:

  1. Attracting high-quality traffic is key to success of a website. This, however, can take a lot of time. While Google, the largest search engine, is also the easiest to work with, it will be months before you see hundreds and thousands of visitors a day (our analysis shows that you will need several thousands visitors a day for substantial income). Your website will be crawled in a matter of days. With other search engines it is a different story. Not only it is costly to register, they attract so few search queries that they are not worth bothering, except for Yahoo. Having said that, just being crawled by Google does nothing to traffic. You have to a have a higher Page Rank as well so that your website is shown in the first one or two pages in a search. Getting these high-value links can take close to a year. While some link exchanges, etc. do help but mostly it is the links from related, high-quality websites that increase your Page Rank. This analysis is based on two websites that we have launched in 2004: iProceed and LuvCube.
  2. Do not be discouraged if you do not see any significant results in first six months to one year. If you abandon it, you will regret it later. Because during this period you are essentially planting the seeds of what could be a great piece of real estate on the Internet. While MYNIPPON and Lindisima are our largest (in terms of visitors, page views, and income) websites, even a smaller (but older) website like eCreativa attracts great traffic since it has been around so long.
  3. Never forget your reader. They are your customers. If you serve them well, they will pay you back (in form of word-of-mouth marketing and links to your websites).

Related article: How to increase your ranking in search engines?