As highlighted in the article Business opportunities in homeland security, it is important to note that a company need not be active today in homeland security to take part in some of the projects being funded by Department of Defense.
Many of the projects being currently underway involve a myriad of technologies and solutions. So if you have a group of R&D folks, invite them for a half-day brainstorming session. Put up this list (courtesy: Department of Defense) and start to ask what can you do be involved in some of these exciting projects:
Immunue buildings: This program will make military buildings (such as barracks, office buildings, and Command and Control centers) far less attractive targets for attack by airborne/aerosolized chemical or biological warfare agents (CWA, BWA), by modifying and augmenting building infrastructure to greatly reduce the effectiveness of any such attack.
Spectral Sensing of Bio-Aerosols: Real-time, pre-exposure detection, discrimination, and identification of the full spectrum of threats: spore, bacteria, virus, and toxin.
Triangulation Identification for Genetic Evaluation of Risks (TIGER): The TIGER sensor system combines a new triangulation approach for universal genome evaluation with advanced mass spectrometry and rigorous bio-informatic analysis.
Radio Decontamination: The overall goal of DARPA’s Radiation Decontamination (RD) program is to develop a system of technologies that will allow for the detection, decontamination, and controlled clean-up of radioactively contaminated buildings and military bases located downwind from an RDD event so that they can safely be reoccupied for military use.
Threat Agent Cloud Tactical Intercept & Countermeasure (TACTIC): Two critical capabilities must be developed: 1) detection technologies that can rapidly discriminate and identify chemical and biological airborne clouds with low false-alarm rates, and 2) technologies that can defeat (via precipitation and/or neutralization) the clouds before they can reach their intended targets.
Many of the projects being currently underway involve a myriad of technologies and solutions. So if you have a group of R&D folks, invite them for a half-day brainstorming session. Put up this list (courtesy: Department of Defense) and start to ask what can you do be involved in some of these exciting projects:
Immunue buildings: This program will make military buildings (such as barracks, office buildings, and Command and Control centers) far less attractive targets for attack by airborne/aerosolized chemical or biological warfare agents (CWA, BWA), by modifying and augmenting building infrastructure to greatly reduce the effectiveness of any such attack.
Spectral Sensing of Bio-Aerosols: Real-time, pre-exposure detection, discrimination, and identification of the full spectrum of threats: spore, bacteria, virus, and toxin.
Triangulation Identification for Genetic Evaluation of Risks (TIGER): The TIGER sensor system combines a new triangulation approach for universal genome evaluation with advanced mass spectrometry and rigorous bio-informatic analysis.
Radio Decontamination: The overall goal of DARPA’s Radiation Decontamination (RD) program is to develop a system of technologies that will allow for the detection, decontamination, and controlled clean-up of radioactively contaminated buildings and military bases located downwind from an RDD event so that they can safely be reoccupied for military use.
Threat Agent Cloud Tactical Intercept & Countermeasure (TACTIC): Two critical capabilities must be developed: 1) detection technologies that can rapidly discriminate and identify chemical and biological airborne clouds with low false-alarm rates, and 2) technologies that can defeat (via precipitation and/or neutralization) the clouds before they can reach their intended targets.