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India emerges as healthcare destination for Americans

We had highlighted a business opportunity for overseas firms to target the uninsured Americans by providing them with affordable healthcare services (Related article: Providing medical services to uninsured Americans) particularly in form of surgeries and other ailments that require extended hospital stays. Since we are not in a position to provide any medical services to our own citizens, it makes perfect sense for corporations overseas to do so. After all one can fly to India for less than the price of a ticket to the west coast.

The International Health Summit (USA) is scheduled to organize a health summit in India to highlight that hospitals and nursing homes in India can be attractive options for those Americans who simply cannot afford to be treated in the United States. As we know from the experience with IT outsourcing, costs in India are much lower. United States with a population of just 300 million people spent approximately $1.5 trillion on healthcare. On the other hand, India with a population of over one billion spent only $22 billion on healthcare. While the regular healthcare system in India may not be worth a trip but if you are an American who has not seen a doctor during last five years or is suffering from serious illnesses and have no hope in the United States, India may provide an excellent choice, particularly in the select hospitals that are targeting foreigners (it is reported that 10% of their patients already come from foreign countries).

Thus, it is interesting to read about two topics to be discussed in the summit:

  • Health Insurance - The affordability factor
  • Healthcare destination: India